- What's Your Name? My name is Özgür Ayten - How Old Are You? I am 35 years old - Where are you from? I live in The Netherlands - What's my battle tag? Nim#2157
- Your Server: Silvermoon - Your Character Name: Ashvern - Race and Class: Human Rogue - Number of days played (/played): 224 days, 6 days at level 90 - Anything to tell us about your Character to make you stand out? Rogue has every realm first up to and including Muru (two different servers, two different guilds, more on this later) and has server first Al'akir heroic. - Please link your Character's Armory Page (please use the URL code): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/silvermoon/Ashvern/advanced - Do have any alts you wish to bring to the guild? I usually make it my business to play all classes and on most classes 2 or 3 specs. I am ashamed to say that healing in Dragon Soul has broken my spirit and haven't tried it since. I would like to bring my monk and will probably level a warrior, hunter and a warlock as next classes. - Do you have any raiding experience on your alt(s)? My monk has 13/14 heroic in SoO and I raided with a lot of different alt during Dragon Soul
- How often do you log on to play? I usually play for 4-5 hours on raid days between 19:00 and 1:00 and usually on average 3-4 hours on other days.
- Previous Guild(s), please include realm and (if possible) a time frame: This is gonna be rather long: I started raiding in Consortium on Runeotem (rogue was named Flamouria) and joined Inner Sanctum on Silvermoon when they were struggling with four horsemen (rogue was named Kagura first and renamed to Ayiishi later). I stayed with Inner Sanctum till we killed Muru (which was pre nerf) after which I took a job offer and moved to China for a year. Wow from China was unenjoyable and frankly I was too busy with work anyway, so this period is my only break from WoW. After I came back (This was in Wrath of the Lich King), I decided I'd give the hero class a try and leveled on Vek'nilash (which was where most of my old friends had scattered off to join Curse). I joined a casual guild (3 days raiding, but different raid mentality) called Slap here and played my DK till start of cataclysm. DK's proved to be poor and we were struggling with dps checks, so even though I had leveled my DK first, I made a switch here to my rogue after the start. I don't remember when exactly, but Vek'nilash died and the guild moved to Zenedar. This expansion I played both my DK and rogue and during the drag that was Dragon Soul, I played 3 other classes in 10 mans with friends from Angered. Start of MoP I rerolled Monk because I enjoyed it so much during beta. Zenedar died and so did Slap, we formed a 10 man guild called Singularity and I stayed here till even Singularity died. After this I went back to Silvermoon to play with some friends who were in that time in Not So Serious (old guildies from Inner Sanctum). Since I knew I couldn't meet their raid times I joined Genesis on Silvermoon instead.
- Reason for leaving previous Guild(s)?
Inner Sanctum : Work offer to stay in China for a year (even though I was planning to play, the connection was so bad I decided against it)
Slap : Stayed with them till guild died due to server dying
Singularity : The guild died due to server dying
Genesis : I don't want to talk ill of anyone, but let's say the raiding atmosphere has become like nothing I have seen. I stayed here as long as I could.
- Please list your Raiding History, only include instances from when they were current content:
Vanilla : Killed every single boss as realm first on my rogue (Upto four horsemen in Consortium in Runetotem and KT in Inner Sanctum on Silvermoon)
TBC : Killed everything up to and including Muru realm first on my rogue (Inner Sanctum on Silvermoon)
Wrath of The Lich King : Killed everything including Lich King Heroic on my dk(and the pushover content that was Ruby Sanctum) (Slap on Vek'nilash / Zenedar)
Cataclysm : Killed everything as either my DK or my rogue depending on what was needed for the guild (I did a lot of alt raiding during this content which gave me my current love for multiple classes and killed Madness heroic on 5-6 clases). We did manage to steal realm first Al'akir heroic 10 man from Darkstorm here (Slap on Zenedar)
Mist of Pandaria : Killed everything on my monk except Garrosh Heroic (Up to Jikun heroic on my monk in Singularity on Zenedar and rest in Genesis on Silvermoon)
- Have you ever taken on "extra" roles within Raids?
I moved Lei Shen from platform to platform as windwalker because of speed increase on Provoke
Kited adds on Garrosh Heroic attempts on my monk as Brewmaster
- Please explain how and why you've geared your Character, including professions etc: I started gearing my rogue quite recently and honestly I have taken any upgrade that was available to me. I always loved playing subtlety when it was actually hard to play so I started off with playing subtlety to get into my rogue play again keeping into account haste > crit = mastery. At the moment JC and BS equal same improvement, but I'll switch out JC with BS like I do with most raiding characters. Till I switched to my rogue this character was my jewelcrafter. Engineering is I think self explanatory.
- Please give us a link to your World of Logs/Warcraft Logs page (failure to provide these will likely result in a declined application): I will have to deviate a little bit here as I started playing my rogue at level 90 quite recently and have no logs to show for. I do however have logs from when I played my rogue and my dk together: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/52167/rankings/players/ My rogue was named Ayiishi and my DK was named Siona I played my monk mostly during this tier, although we were into the business of extending raid lockouts, this is one of the late latest farm raid we have done. My monk is named Negate http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-4wxz4k4vtpe84ybx/ (My character looted a warforged weapon and 2 tier pieces this raid)
- If possible, could you link us your previous Guild's Attendance sheet? Either through DKP profile or similar: We don't have one, but you could probably use worldoflogs for this purpose: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/33963/character/ (I basically have 100% attendance barring raids during christmas)
- Please provide a link to your in-game UI (in combat, preferably):
- Do you use any particular addons to help enhance your performance? BigWigs, WeakAuras? Only addon I use that I haven't written myself is BigWigs. Although I did write an own skin to match the rest of my UI. I am in the process of finishing my BossMod so I can completely replace BigWigs. Since my UI is written by myself, it's easy to add aura watchers.
- We take PTR seriously, do you have any issues being raid ready on PTR for raiding content? I have 0 problems with this.
- Please list your Computer Specifications:
Intel Core i7-3930K 3.2GHz running at 4.4GHz
2xOCZ SSD 256Gb in RAID-0
32 GB Internal memory
2xNvidia GTX 780
Corsair K90 mechanical keyboard
Cyborg R.A.T. 7 mouse
- Internet-connection? Include a http://www.speedtest.net/ and test to Frankfurt DE. This is slower than most of The Netherlands, but I have never problems with my connection. The moment my down stairs neighbour stops being an ass, I will get 100M/100M since I need his permission for the fiber to go through his house.
- Do you have any issues with disconnects due to internet/computer problems? I never have D/C issues except the ones that a lot of people suffer from due to Silvermoon being overcrowded or WoW servers being shaky.
- Do you have a microphone and are you able to communicate on Mumble? Yes, I do own a headset + microphone and can communicate
- Why do you want to join Amused to Death? I am looking for a steady guild to finish the current tier on time while providing a good raiding atmosphere and opportunity to play my alts without having to raid 7 days a week. Amused to Death seems to provide all of these and more.
- Why should we pick you? I am a reliable raider who's always prepared and open for criticism. As a person I am flexible, competitive and can think out of the box. I think I can bring top notch performance while not being afraid of doing things outside of my characters role.
- Is there anything you would like to add to help us make our decision? I have always been very competitive no matter which character I played and usually changed characters/specs depending on guilds needs. I am in the process of rerolling to my rogue at the moment and will gear it further up as much as I can before I can join A2D. I do have 10 days of vacation played soon during which I could probably game, but will not be able to game from my own rig. I would hate my trial to be judged during this. I am very comfortable playing multiple classes and I am happily surprised A2D supports this as a 3 day raiding guild.
- Is there anyone in Amused to Death or another guild who can vouch for you? I am afraid I don't know anyone in Amused to death, but:
Neldarie from Rapid Eye Movement (We started WoW on same server and joined Inner Sanctum at the same time. I played with him for quite some time)
Enk from Not So Serious (although he's barely online anymore)
Ashvern replied
577 weeks ago