Ceri replied

577 weeks ago


- What's Your Name? Isabella Edholm
- How Old Are You? 21
- Where are you from? Sweden


- Your Server: Silvermoon
- Your Character Name: Ceri
- Race and Class: Human Death Knight (DPS)
- Number of days played (/played): Across all characters, around 500.
- Anything to tell us about your Character to make you stand out? (Realm Firsts, etc.)
I've reached Gladiator status in pvp a couple of times.
- Please link your Character's Armory Page (please use the URL code): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/silvermoon/Ceri/simple
- Do have any alts you wish to bring to the guild?
I'm aware alts are important to the guild, and I'd be happy to accommodate on that.
- Do you have any raiding experience on your alt(s)?
I have a few alts that I PVP on, but my guild never really encouraged alt raids. I raided most bosses on heroic (including Death Wing) on a disc priest back in Cata. Additionally, I've played resto druid and resto shaman mains in classic and TBC.


- How often do you log on to play? (For example, every day for 2-3 hours between X and Y hours)
I am usually on for a few hours every day, even on non raiding days.

- Previous Guild(s), please include realm and (if possible) a time frame:
Classic: <Bloodlust Enthroned> on Bronze Dragonflight - With them I cleared all vanilla content except for C'thun in AQ40 and a few end bosses in Naxxramas.
TBC: <The Logical Cube> on Eonar. I cleared all available TBC content with them, barring Sunwell, since I took a one year break from WoW after killing all available content back then (BT, MH)
Wotlk: <Postal> on Aszune. A Swedish guild, whom I cleared all available content with barring a few HC bosses in Ulduar.
Cataclysm & MoP: <Genesis> on Silvermoon - This is where I've been, for the last 3.5 years. I cleared all Cataclysm and MoP content on HC 25 man with them.

- Reason for leaving previous Guild(s)?
My old guilds (pre Cata) simply fell apart. My reasons for leaving my most recent guild mainly stem from issues caused by the management being at an all-time low this past and current tier. Sadly I didn't see any improvements in that regard within the near future, so I decided to look for a new guild.

- Please list your Raiding History, only include instances from when they were current content: See list above.

- Have you ever taken on "extra" roles within Raids? (For example, Lei Shi stacks, Sha of Fear Champion of the Light)
I kited adds on Conclave of Wind and Magmaw, but mainly I just take on assignments inherent to the DK class such as grips, interrupts and AMZ placements.

- Please explain how and why you've geared your Character, including professions etc:
I am currently playing the Unholy spec. Hence, my gear/gemming/reforging are specialized towards that spec. I follow the stat priority of hit cap > expertise cap > crit > mastery > haste. Crit gems surpasses STR gems upon reaching high-end gear. My professions are of course not gathering ones, and they give me adequate bonuses.

- Please give us a link to your World of Logs/Warcraft Logs page (failure to provide these will likely result in a declined application):

Our Garrosh 25 HC kill, played as frost with slightly suboptimal gear: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/nwVgPH9Wvktfjb6x
The farm run following our Garrosh HC kill, played as unholy: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-kfg4nfem99pbg27w/

I should add, that the last two raids I attended with Genesis before leaving, I played very bad as I was highly unmotivated and pondering issues that eventually contributed to me leaving that very same day.

- If possible, could you link us your previous Guild's Attendance sheet? Either through DKP profile or similar: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/33963/character/

- Please provide a link to your in-game UI (in combat, preferably):

- Do you use any particular addons to help enhance your performance? BigWigs, WeakAuras?
I switch between Bigwigs and Deadly Boss Mods, and for some bosses I also use WeakAuras. I keep track of my diseases/proccs with ClassTimer and DKdots.

- We take PTR seriously, do you have any issues being raid ready on PTR for raiding content?
Not at all. I always attended the majority of my guild's PTR raids.


- Please list your Computer Specifications:
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
Total RAM: 8.0 GB
Additionally I'm using a mechanical keyboard and the razor naga mouse.

- Internet-connection? Include a http://www.speedtest.net/ and test to Frankfurt DE.
100/10, fibre internet. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3306477135

- Do you have any issues with disconnects due to internet/computer problems?

- Do you have a microphone and are you able to communicate on Mumble?


- Why do you want to join Amused to Death?
I'm impressed with your progress, and the way you've managed to improve and grow from only being a small 10-man guild on Silvermoon. Your raiding times suit me perfectly and I'd fit in well here.

- Why should we pick you?
I am a long time player with extensive raiding experience. I am well-versed in both the frost and unholy spec, and I'll always strive to make the very best out of my raid spot. Working out quirks to increase my dps and survivability, sharing tips, coming prepared and staying positive. I am not a big guild hopper, I stayed with my last guild for 3.5 years and I'm looking to find a new permanent home. I understand the importance of high attendance, when raiding on a slim schedule like this, and I rarely miss a raid.

- Is there anything you would like to add to help us make our decision?
I'm the type of player who never "settles" with my own performance. I am constantly looking to improve my game-play. You'll gain a raider who is passionate, reliable and always up to date. If you choose to accept me, I don't think you'll regret it. I will also mention that you are the only guild that I've applied to at this point and I plan on making no other applications until you have reached a decision.

There is one more thing which I already spoke to Relis about, but I'll mention it again here. I would have to delay joining by 2~ weeks while Gladiator titles are being sorted. Transferring at this point would result in loosing my rating/qualification. I realize this request might make me look bad, but I hope you'll be able to overlook this slight mistiming as you are already deep into farming the current tier.

- Is there anyone in Amused to Death or another guild who can vouch for you?
You may contact Aylje in <Genesis> on Silvermoon, the current melee officer.

Relis replied

577 weeks ago

Thank you for your application to Amused to Death!

We'll deal with it shortly!

Noima Raider replied

577 weeks ago

Be prepared to be shouted at by an extremely angry Scotsman if you play DK badly :P

Ceri replied

577 weeks ago

Angry Scotsmen are my favorite

Frantik Admin replied

577 weeks ago

Angry Scotsmen are my favoriteCeri

ThePrincess Raider replied

577 weeks ago

Deleted 577 weeks ago by Relis

Alarinth Raider replied

577 weeks ago

Deleted 577 weeks ago by Relis

Drarion Raider replied

577 weeks ago

Deleted 577 weeks ago by Relis

Relis replied

577 weeks ago

Awhhh yiss we can comment on applications. prepare for derail.Drarion

Sorry, access gone!

Krinna Raider replied

577 weeks ago

Deleted 577 weeks ago by Relis
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